Illustration Photo HPU 11 kW Glycol 245


Hydraulic power units are the most important driving components in hydraulic systems. These units consist mainly of a motor, a reservoir and a hydraulic pump, and these units can generate an enormous amount of power to drive most types of hydraulic cylinders.

Typical applications:

  • HPU's (Hydraulic Poer Unit) supply hydraulic power to activate tools and valves and for HOF.
  • Hydraulic Pressure Unit can be used for continuous production
  • IWOCS HPU - Installation Work Over Control System
  • IRS HPU - Intervention Riser System, intervention operations
  • Flushing Units, cleaning hydraulic lines
  • Test HPU testing and other applications

System fluids can be mineral oils or petroleum-based hydraulic fluids, water- or water-based fluids or on special occasions ethanol.

To better understand the operating principles and design features of a hydraulic power unit, it may be helpful to look at the different types available from our rental fleet.

Illustrative image HPU 11 kW Glycol 245

Related products

  • Particle counters - Particle counters different types of liquids
  • Pressure Logging - Digital Logger for Pressure 0 - 4000Bar
  • Frame pressure pumps - Air-operated test pumps and test units suitable for hydrostatic pressure testing, pressure flushing, hotline injection, chemical injection and methanol filling

Do you have any questions?

Contact us at any time if you have any questions regarding our products and services.

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